Custom Magnetic Components         


Tecal Manufacturing, LLC
 9100 Mayflower Ave., Suite D-E  El Paso, TX 79925 Main:915-593-1413 Fax:915-593-3702


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  ProCAD PowerStation 32 Lite

Description: ProCAD PowerStation 32 lite is the full function package (Standard Edition) with a 400 entity limitation for Windows 95/98/NT platform. An entity in this context is defined as a part (component), a text string, a via or connection dot, and a trace (not necessarily a single segment). ProCAD PowerStation 32 lite does not have any expiration date. You may upgrade to the full system by obtaining the proper access code from ICS or your dealer. Your ProCAD lite purchase price is creditable towards a full system purchase. 
Price: $49.95 - Version: 7.0 - Platform(s): Win 9x/2000/XP/Vista


Remote Router Client

Description: Are you a user of OrCAD, PADS, PROTEL, ACCEL EDA, IVEX, etc ... or are you a service bureau using one of our competing packages ?. If your PCB layout software supports SPECCTRA® for high end autorouting, we have good news for you!. For a limited time, you can route your job using our Batch Internet Remote Router Service powered by SP55 SPECCTRA absolutely FREE.... Yes, your first completed job is FREE!!!!. We want you to try out this revolutionary service with absolutely no obligations. Just download the remote router client software  and submit your jobs for Internet Remote AutoRouting. All you have to do is generate and submit a SPECCTRA design  ".dsn" file using your Layout software and we'll return a routed SPECCTRA ".rte" file to you at NO CHARGE. You may also submit a SPECCTRA® DO file (smart route only) if you want better control of the routing process. Click here to learn more about Internet Remote AutoRouting.
Price: Free - Version: 2.0 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/2000/XP/Vista Size: 3.19MB

ProCAD PowerStation 32 v7.0 Trial Version

Description: Interested in evaluating ProCAD PowerStation 32 ? The trial version is the full functional package (Standard Edition) which expires exactly 30 days from first use. 
Price: Free - Version: 7.0 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/2000/XP/Vista  Size: 10.5MB

Become A Beta Tester For ProCAD PowerStation 32

Description: You may apply to become a preferred beta tester for ProCAD PowerStation 32 and related utilities. Please e-mail our beta test coordinator your name, e-mail address, daytime phone number and a short biography detailing your experience with any Schematic Capture and/or PCB Layout EDA software. ProCAD PowerStation 32 user's should also include their serial number in the e-mail. If accepted, you will be e-mailed download instructions and other information regarding work in progress.

Click here to send e-mail to Beta tester coordinator.
Price: Free - Version: N/A - Platform(s): Win 9x/2000/XP/Vista

ProCAD PowerStation 32 v7.0 Updates & Minor Revisions

Description: Updates to ProCAD PowerStation 32 requires a maintenance contract. You should use the remote updater ([Help]Software item) in ProCAD to automatically update your software as needed. The updater will only update those modules that needs updating. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST HAVE A VALID MAINTENANCE CONTRACT TO BE ABLE TO USE THE REMOTE UPDATER.Please contact ICS or your dealer to obtain a new authorization access code if your maintenance contract has expired.
Price: 15% of Pkg. Price Per Yr. - Version: 7.0 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/2000/XP/Vista

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