Custom Magnetic Components         


Tecal Manufacturing, LLC
 9100 Mayflower Ave., Suite D-E  El Paso, TX 79925 Main:915-593-1413 Fax:915-593-3702


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Our Capabilities


Excellence in Magnetics and Cost-Effective Manufacturing

Quality and customer services are the cornerstones upon which TECAL Manufacturing, LLC of El Paso, Texas, USA, has built its reputation as one of the finest manufacturers of custom magnetic components in the industry. We are small enough to be extremely responsive on small-lot, short-run, or prototype quantities and large enough to handle high-volume, long-run production. TECAL emphasizes quality every step of the way to insure that our output will meet every standard set by our customers.  We chose the name TECAL in 1983 to express the idea of combining the cost effectiveness of manufacturing in Texas while utilizing the rapid advances in technology originating in California. Today, our factory is still in Texas, but we draw on ideas originating anywhere in the world.

Magnetics means coils and TECAL deals with the full range. Be it free-standing, intricately shaped air coils, or thousands of turns wound on a simple plastic bobbin, TECAL can do it. We make coils using wire sizes compatible with an electrician’s installations (#10 AWG) to those of only 1 or 2 mils (#46 AWG) diameter. We work with insulation systems compatible with the environment of a motor vehicle or with that of a piece of office equipment. We package for space flight of for home appliance applications.

A notable example of our bobbin-wound coil production skills is a two-part coil combining #40 magnet wire with skeined ends and #21 magnet wire. This coils is on a 7/8 diameter by 1: long bobbin. Another example is a solenoid coil on a 5/32” diameter by ½” long bobbin. Both have been made in high volume over a long period of time. 

Toroid winding for inductors, choke filters, and transformers is another area where TECAL has expertise. From units machine-wound ith thousands of turns to hand-wound subminiature units, TECAL does it. We build toroidal coils where size, material, and turn count are precisely controlled. We also build units where tight tolerances require that the turn count be adjusted on virtually every individual part in order to give specific inductance values at a desired frequency.

Switch-mode or output transformers for high frequency power supplies are a special challenge. Performance and efficiency often depend on the uniformity of the wire layering or the way that the wires are “scramble”, as opposed to being layered.

TECAL has solved more than a few customer’s problems because we recognize and appreciate the effects of such details. Examples of our successes are a transformer used in and energy-saving fluorescent lamp ballast and an EMI shielded, multiple voltage transformer used in a special-application computer.

TECAL also makes conventional iron core transformers. We have manufactured a range of such transformers from 100 pound power transformers with multiple secondaries to units that weigh mere grams and must be assembled under magnification. We manufacture ferrite pot core transformers of all configurations.

The recognition that the inductive components in a modern high frequency switching power supply are second only to the IC control chip itself has led TECAL to manufacture power supplies for widely diverse applications. TECAL builds a resonant mode, zero current switching power supply that has proven to be highly reliable for a computer that controls post-production burn-in and testing a hard disk drive. The TECAL power supply provides 120 watts with 7 separate output voltages. This extremely compact power supply is just 75% of the volume of power supplies that are considered small by industry standards. In order to burn-in and test a high (3500 volts) voltage multiplier, that we manufacture for a military application, TECAL designed and build a unique power supply with a 1500 volt, nearly perfect square wave output at 100 kHz. TECAL’s repertoire includes more than miniaturized, solid state units. We also have the resources to handle high voltage/high current applications built into standard or custom enclosures. Less complex power supplies include our line of modular linear AC-to-DC power supplies with up to three output voltages in a totally encapsulated package.

Additionally, TECAL manufactues, EMI/EMC filters for noise suppression of AC and DC power lines as well as digital data lines. These filters can be built into power supplies or provided as free-standing, shielded assemblies. Our special vacuum molding techniques permit us to encapsulate even sensitive inductive devices without degrading their performance.

TECAL manufactures to either detailed customer-engineered specifications or to the broadest description of the customer’s problem. If our own management cannot translate your “need” statement into a product specification, we have access to specialist who can. By dealing with design and engineering on this basis, our customers benefit in two ways. TECAL’s overhead stays low; this allows us to keep our selling prices competitive with many off-shore locations at all but the highest production volumes. Then too, the engineering talent is not locked-in to other things that TECAL is doing. You get state-of-the-art materials and methods to solve the problem at hand. Our work on systems gives us a better understanding of our components because we recognize them as the building-blocks that they are.

TECAL builds several different voltage multiplier networks for laser and low-light vision enhancement systems. These networks require special care in isolating high voltages within extremely small volume, and in component selection for life and reliability. We have on-site facilities for acceptance test, such as temperature cycling and burn-in (or life) testing under various environmental conditions.

Quality is a production-floor concern at TECAL. The combination of our workers’ exceptional pride of workmanship and up-to-date quality management techniques has enable us to satisfy even the most demanding customers. We work comfortably with stringent military specifications or highly competitive commercial requirements. Most of our employees have been with TECAL for several years, thus we operate effectively with low supervision-to-labor ratios. When needed to support product development in the “custom magnetics” segment of our business, our technically trained management can devote the time necessary to insure the successful conclusion of a project.

Over the years much of our business has come by way or referrals; some have come from customers, others have come from our raw material suppliers, still others have come from those who provide equipment or services. All of them come from those who recognize and appreciate TECAL’s attention to detail in every job that we do.

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