ProCAD PowerStation 32 Professional Edition
This is a multiple user, multiple tasking version. In
addition to all the features of the Standard Version. The
Professional Version allows for multiple tasking of all
ProCAD external utilities such as Autorouting, Netlister,
Print Manager, etc. You can also install it on a network and
all databases, libraries and macros are accessibility to
multiple users. Click
here for a product
comparison chart.
Price: $2995.00 - Version: 7.0 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/NT/2K/XP

ProCAD PowerStation 32 Standard Edition
This is a single user/task edition for both Schematic
Capture, and PCB Layout. All modules are included in the
Standard version. All utilities must be accessed from the
ProCAD tool bar. External utilities, file sharing, multiple
task or multiple users on a network, etc are not supported.
Click here
for a product comparison chart.
Price: $1995.00 - Version: 7.0 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/NT/2K/XP

ProCAD PowerStation 32 Express Edition
This is the same as the Standard edition without the local
Autorouter (ProRoute) and AutoCAD or SPECCTRA interfaces.
You can however, use our SPECCTRA powered Internet Remote
Routing Service or Interactive manual routing for all your
PCB routing needs. This package is ideal for those whose
designs are primarily analog with little digital and/or
those who prefer to manually route their boards or
exclusively use our SPECCTRA service.
for SPECCTRA powered Internet Remote Routing Service Price
Schedule. Click
for a product comparison chart.
$995.00 - Version: 7.0 - Platform(s): Win

ProCAD PowerStation 32 Lite Edition
ProCAD PowerStation 32 lite is
the full function (Standard Edition) package with a 400
entity limitation. An entity in this context is defined as a
part (component), a text string, a via or connection dot,
and a trace (not necessarily a single segment). Your ProCAD
lite purchase price is creditable towards a full system
purchase. Click
here for a product
comparison chart.
Price: $49.95 - Version: 7.0 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/NT/2K/XP

PowerStation 32 Upgrades for current full license users
These upgrades
are for current full license ProCAD
PowerStation 32 users (All ProCAD for Windows versions
except Lite and Evaluation Editions). You must provide a
valid serial number when placing your order. See What's
section for details.

PowerStation 32 v7.0 Professional Edition
Upgrade (Serial # Required)
Price: $599.00 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/NT/2K/XP |

PowerStation 32 v7.0 Standard Edition Upgrade
(Serial # Required)
Price: $499.00 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/NT/2K/XP |

PowerStation 32 v7.0 Express Edition Upgrade
(Serial # Required)
Price: $299.00 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/NT/2K/XP |
Media Kit: CD and
Supplemental hardcopy manual for upgrade licenses only
(Serial # Required)
Price: USA: $30.00, Intl: $50.00 - Platform(s):
Win 9x/NT/2K/XP |